Archive & Texts

Group Exhibition curated by ASTRO 9. – 12. November 2023
Vernissage: 9/11/23 6-10pm | Location: Backhaus Projects, Berlin

Spores: Magical Mushroom Photography (Coming soon)

UnLust, Group Exhibition 18. – 27. August 2023
Artists Unlimited, Bielefeld (DE) 🦋💙💚

Installation shot from Go straight until you find the sea, K-Gold Temporary Gallery
Curated by Suzanna Petot
With works by Elena Aya Bundurakis, Arunà Canevascini, Andi Gáldi Vinkó, Martine Gutierrez, Lucie Khahoutian, and Samira Saidi

Eating Magma in Earthlings issue, FOTOGRAF #40 (CZ)

ELEMENTS Publication | Art direction: Jessica Gysel, Offshore Studio | Cover Illustration: Janis Zell | Publisher: Jan van Eyck Academie
Contributing artists and writers: Persis Bekkering, Frederik Willem Daem, David Habets, Christoph Miler, Viktor Hachmang, Anna Haifisch, Fabio Barille, Guillaume Simoneau, Marvin Leuvrey, Elena Aya Bundurakis, Grace Ndiritu.
Based on a collaboration between art and cultural institutions in Dutch Limburg, Belgian Limburg and Liège, Elements is a publication–catalogue that gathers a series of art and design exhibitions and programmes that have taken place in 2021. The publication sheds light on such classical elements as water, earth, fire, air which were proposed by ancient cultures to explain the nature and complexity of all matter in terms of simpler substances. The work explores how zinc, plastic, skin or electricity are part of a bigger story in which earth, fire, air and water are mined, polluted, intoxicated, genetically manipulated, technologically enhanced.

GO STRAIGHT UNTIL YOU FIND THE SEA Catalog | Publisher: K-Gold Temporary Gallery | Publishing Director: Nicolas Vamvouklis | Editor: Suzanna Petot | Editorial Collaborator: Christos Mouchas | Art Director: Bianca Otilia Ghiuzan | Artists: Elena Aya Bundurakis, Arunà Canevascini, Andi Gáldi Vinkó, Martine Gutierrez, Lucie Khahoutian, Samira Saidi | Texts: Suzanna Petot, Leoni Thanasoula, Vicky Tsirou, Samira Saidi

Installation shot from Noorderlicht International Photo Festival 2020: Generation Z | on the verge of a new alphabet
Curated by Robert Jan Verhagen
Happy to become part of Le Fusée de la Motographie project!
“The project is based on the idea of a flea market. At a flea market you often find boxes with photographs in them. You don't know who took those photos, so you invent stories yourself," says creator Vincen Beeckman. In each box you can find one or more photographs ... Le Fusée de la Motographie was conceived by Vincen Beeckman for the Brussels arts cente Recyclart.
"This aspect of mysteriousness is important for the project Le Fusée de la Motographie. You get a box which can contain a photo of a famous photographer or of a student. You do not choose the box yourself. It's always a surprise."Le Fusée de la Motographie is part of the exhibition ‘re-collect’ at FOMU. On the occasion of this exhibition, 20 new boxes were created, with work by Jeroen Bocken, Elena Aya Bundurakis, Ulla Deventer, Marie-Françoise Plissart, Aurélie Geurts, Tine Guns, Gert Jochems, Mous Lamrabat, Youqine Lefèvre, Renée Lorie, Mashid Mohadjerin, Kamel Moussa, Pauline Niks, Sebastien Steveniers, Egon Van Herreweghe, Sine Van Menxel, Vesna Faassen & Lukas Verdijk, Erien Withouck, Ugo Woatzi

part of DIE EPILOG magazine, issue #9
Das Leben ist hart — Thema: Zärtlichkeit
Wie steht es um deine Soft Skills, Darling? Während sich die Fronten gesellschaftlicher und politischer Realitäten verhärten, schaut die Epilog Nr. 9 auf die soften Nischen der Gegenwart und entdeckt Zärtlichkeit nicht als Rückzug, sondern als politische Strategie. Wir umarmen die ganze Welt und rufen die Metazärtlichkeit aus, die Normie-Romantik und unpolitischen Hippie-Shit transzendiert, und finden Liebe an hoffnungslosen Orten. Die neue Softness sprengt alle Kategorien und transformiert die Grenzen unseres Denkens, unserer Körper, unseres Wir. Kommt meta-kuscheln! Und friemelt mit uns die Fusseln aus dem Flokati unseres Herzens. Mit Sicherheitsabstand, versteht sich.
Erschienen im Mai 2020.

Installation shot from Intimate Structures #2, Tique art space
With works by Romy Alizée, Elena Aya Bundurakis, Valentina Stellino and Dinaya Waeyaert

Part of the ORDINARY magazine
80 pages / 21 x 29.5 cm / Published in Amsterdam, 2019
Published quarterly out of Amsterdam, each issue of Ordinary magazine challenges photographers from around the world to create extraordinary images from a single, unassuming object. To create, tongue firmly in cheek, something exceptional from the exceptionally mundane. This issue pays tribute to the tampon.
80 pages / 21 x 29.5 cm / Published in Amsterdam, 2019
Published quarterly out of Amsterdam, each issue of Ordinary magazine challenges photographers from around the world to create extraordinary images from a single, unassuming object. To create, tongue firmly in cheek, something exceptional from the exceptionally mundane. This issue pays tribute to the tampon.

Oozing Eggs, unbaked clay

Shortlist of Bird in Flight Prize presented it in Kyiv (UA) during Photo Kyiv 2018
Curated by Alina Sanduliak
Artists: Valentine Bo (winner), Elena Subach, Viacheslav Poliakov, Michał Sierakowski, Dylan Hausthor, Elena Aya Bundurakis, Anais Lopez, Lucie Khahoutian, Anastasia Rudenko, Александр Чекменев

Installation shot from 31 days of .tiff, Fotomuseum Antwerp, 2019
With works by Elena Aya Bundurakis, Bertrand Cavalier, Jeroen De Wandel, Ulla Deventer, Lionel Jusseret, Léonard Pongo, Maroussia Prignot & Valerio Alvarez, Titus Simoens, Egon Van Herreweghe & Ann Vincent

Crying cat giving birth, Chinese ink on kozo paper, hand mounted

Eating Magma
40.5x28 cm, Edition of 1 (artist book), Inkjet prints on kozo paper, Japanese book-binding

Situations/PORN, Fotomuseum Winterthur
With works by Anna Ehrenstein, Andy Kassier, Andy King, Adrian Sauer, Jean-Vincent Simonet and others.
In the space between object and desire, the photographic gaze occupies a unique position: it satisfies many of our yearnings and fantasies as much as it fuels them. Might the increased circulation and consumption of images of today’s visual culture be driven by an impulse that is of a pornographic nature? From obsessive binge-watching to food porn or unboxing videos in which products are carefully unpacked in front of the camera, screen-based phenomena from the realms of digital desire and fetish test the boundaries of intimacy, perversion, compulsion and drive. SITUATIONS/Porn takes a look at such artistic and cultural manifestations to investigate the dynamics between gaze and desire against the backdrop of the networked image.
Exhibition View from Hate Speech
Aggression und
Intimität, Künstlerhaus
Halle für Kunst & Medien
Curated by Sandro Droschl / Photo: Markus Krottendorfer
With works by Thomas Baumann, Candice Breitz, Elena Aya Bundurakis,
Tony Cokes, Petra Cortright, Folkert de Jong,
Verena Dengler, Ryan Gander, Yuri Pattison, Signe Pierce,
Jim Shaw, Gunther Skreiner, Markus Sworcik,
Amalia Ulman, Martha Wilson, Joseph Zehrer

MilkX magazine (Taiwan vers.)
October 2018, Questioning the future issue

136 pages / 17 x 23 cm / Softcover package / English / ISBN: 978-88-32108-03-3
Curated by Steve Bisson and Lisanne Van Happen
Anastasia Mityukova, Carson Gilliland, Elena Aya Bundurakis, Karl Ketamo, Chaïm Dijkstra, Judit Flóra Schuller, Debbie Schoone, Frijke Coumans, Remy Ugarte Vallejos, Suzana Mendes, Rafael Martinez, Þórsteinn Sigurðsson, Suki Lui, Elizabeth Presland, Elena Negri, Jaime Huidobro, Claire Masters, Jane Prior, Liz-Ann Vincent-Merry, Amelie Louise & Fuis Aljaz, Terry Ratzlaff and Naomi Jansen.
One thing I can tell you is you got to be free
KASKA MA graduation show / Hosted by FOMU Antwerp

Artistic research video from Eating Magma / Sketch+making of TV~mini stools set-up
Looking for Summer in the Middle of My Adulthood
Dummy book, Version I
68 pages / 22.2 x 31.7 cm / 175 g matt paper / Hard cover dressed with linen, iridescent foil